Winnipeg Parking Strategy

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The City of Winnipeg is developing the Winnipeg Parking Strategy. The strategy will outline the City’s five-year vision for on-street parking, off-street parking, and broader curbside management, and will create the framework for the development of progressive parking policies and services to facilitate access for motorists while supporting the needs of residents, local businesses, hospitals, and other key stakeholders.

The Winnipeg Parking Authority (WPA) manages City-owned public parking resources. Since its inception in 2005, the WPA has continued to modernize parking and curbside management with progressive policies and services, and through the adoption of new technologies.

As we work towards

The City of Winnipeg is developing the Winnipeg Parking Strategy. The strategy will outline the City’s five-year vision for on-street parking, off-street parking, and broader curbside management, and will create the framework for the development of progressive parking policies and services to facilitate access for motorists while supporting the needs of residents, local businesses, hospitals, and other key stakeholders.

The Winnipeg Parking Authority (WPA) manages City-owned public parking resources. Since its inception in 2005, the WPA has continued to modernize parking and curbside management with progressive policies and services, and through the adoption of new technologies.

As we work towards developing a new five-year comprehensive parking strategy, we want to understand the parking challenges facing residents, visitors, and businesses who rely on effective parking and curbside management.

As part of the strategy development, we will review our services, policies, and mechanisms with the goal of improving parking convenience and accessibility. We will also examine how best to create parking availability in areas of high parking demand, explore curbside parking management strategies, and undertake a comprehensive review of pricing models.

The Winnipeg Parking Strategy will take into consideration other planning documents and policies, such as OurWinnipeg, Winnipeg’s Climate Action Plan, and the Transportation Master Plan.

  • Extension Requested

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    The project team will be going to the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works (SPC-IRPW) on November 5, 2021 to provide an update on the Parking Strategy’s progress and to request an extension. An extension will allow the Parking Strategy to be presented alongside the Transportation Master Plan in 2022.

  • Public Engagement Closed

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    Thank you to all those who participated in the Winnipeg Parking Strategy public engagement process.

    We heard from you between January 15 and February 19, 2021.

    You told us about your experiences with parking and gave feedback on parking concepts through an online survey (over 1,900 participants), an online forum (150 posts), and virtual events, including meetings with business representatives (55 attendees). We also had over 5,000 visitors to this webpage.

    All of the feedback received will be compiled and considered in revising the Winnipeg Parking Strategy, which will then be recommended for Council’s consideration.

  • Additional Ways to Get Involved

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    Now that the discussion has started, there are a few more ways to get involved:

    1. Take the survey to tell us what you think about the parking concepts we are considering.
    2. Attend a virtual event to learn more about the concepts, ask questions, and discuss the details.

    Date: Thursday, February 4, 2021

    Time: 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
    Location: Zoom, Register here

    Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2021

    Time: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
    Location: Zoom, Register here

    Feedback is being accepted until February 19.

    Your feedback will help ensure the final recommended Parking Strategy reflects community values.

  • Public Engagement Begins

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    The Winnipeg Parking Strategy is underway and we are providing information and collecting your feedback to ensure you understand the parking concepts we are considering and to better understand your parking challenges and needs.

    Our engagement goals for this project are to:

    1. Inform stakeholders and the public of the need for a parking strategy and relevant background information.

    Learn key terms and current parking policies here

    2. Inform stakeholders and the public on the proposed parking concepts that are being considered.

    Learn about the concepts here

    3. Gather feedback on parking challenges, opportunities, and proposed concepts that are being considered for Winnipeg.

    Join the conversation here

    4. Consider and incorporate feedback so the final recommended Strategy is based on best practices, data, and community values.

    Get involved:

    The project team will be reaching out directly to key stakeholders such as businesses and hospitals. It’s anticipated that online engagement and virtual events will occur in early 2021.

Page last updated: 21 May 2024, 01:25 PM