Winnipeg Parking Strategy

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The City of Winnipeg is developing the Winnipeg Parking Strategy. The strategy will outline the City’s five-year vision for on-street parking, off-street parking, and broader curbside management, and will create the framework for the development of progressive parking policies and services to facilitate access for motorists while supporting the needs of residents, local businesses, hospitals, and other key stakeholders.

The Winnipeg Parking Authority (WPA) manages City-owned public parking resources. Since its inception in 2005, the WPA has continued to modernize parking and curbside management with progressive policies and services, and through the adoption of new technologies.

As we work towards

The City of Winnipeg is developing the Winnipeg Parking Strategy. The strategy will outline the City’s five-year vision for on-street parking, off-street parking, and broader curbside management, and will create the framework for the development of progressive parking policies and services to facilitate access for motorists while supporting the needs of residents, local businesses, hospitals, and other key stakeholders.

The Winnipeg Parking Authority (WPA) manages City-owned public parking resources. Since its inception in 2005, the WPA has continued to modernize parking and curbside management with progressive policies and services, and through the adoption of new technologies.

As we work towards developing a new five-year comprehensive parking strategy, we want to understand the parking challenges facing residents, visitors, and businesses who rely on effective parking and curbside management.

As part of the strategy development, we will review our services, policies, and mechanisms with the goal of improving parking convenience and accessibility. We will also examine how best to create parking availability in areas of high parking demand, explore curbside parking management strategies, and undertake a comprehensive review of pricing models.

The Winnipeg Parking Strategy will take into consideration other planning documents and policies, such as OurWinnipeg, Winnipeg’s Climate Action Plan, and the Transportation Master Plan.

Discussions: All (2) Open (0)
  • What is most important to you when it comes to parking? What are your biggest parking challenges?

    over 3 years ago
    Share What is most important to you when it comes to parking? What are your biggest parking challenges? on Facebook Share What is most important to you when it comes to parking? What are your biggest parking challenges? on Twitter Share What is most important to you when it comes to parking? What are your biggest parking challenges? on Linkedin Email What is most important to you when it comes to parking? What are your biggest parking challenges? link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The City is proposing a number of solutions to address the following parking challenges and needs:

    • parking space availability and accessibility
    • fair pricing
    • convenient payment options
    • encouraging sustainable and multi-modal transportation options
    • fair and effective enforcement
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  • Which parking changes would have the biggest positive impact on Winnipeg? Do you have any other ideas the City should consider?

    over 3 years ago
    Share Which parking changes would have the biggest positive impact on Winnipeg? Do you have any other ideas the City should consider? on Facebook Share Which parking changes would have the biggest positive impact on Winnipeg? Do you have any other ideas the City should consider? on Twitter Share Which parking changes would have the biggest positive impact on Winnipeg? Do you have any other ideas the City should consider? on Linkedin Email Which parking changes would have the biggest positive impact on Winnipeg? Do you have any other ideas the City should consider? link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Winnipeg Parking Strategy outlines a series of progressive parking concepts and business practices used in other North American cities.   Examples include:


    What is it?

    Dynamic Pricing (also known as ‘demand-responsive pricing’)

    Dynamic pricing refers to technology-enabled systems wherein parking rates are adjusted based on changes in demand and the available supply in order to achieve a specific goal such as maintaining a desired occupancy level or maximizing revenue.

    Progressive Pricing

    Progressive pricing refers to a price structure that favours short-term users and encourages turnover by increasing the rate the longer a user is parked in a space.

    Progressive Parking Fines

    Progressive parking fines refer to a structure wherein fines for subsequent occurrences of the same offence increase. Progressive fines discourage repeat offenders without adversely affecting the vast majority of drivers who attempt to adhere to the parking by-law provisions.

    Parking Benefit Districts

    In parking benefit districts, a portion of the revenue collected from hourly parking and permit fees is dedicated to infrastructure or programming within

    the district. These may include public realm improvements such as street beautification, sidewalk and street repair, or safety and security measures.

    Removal of Parking Minimums/ Implementation of Parking Maximums

    Parking minimums are the government-mandated requirements for different land uses to include a set amount of parking for a given variable such as square footage or number of residents. By removing these minimums, governments allow developers to assess the demand for parking and to include only the optimal amount.

    Dedicated ‘Green’ Parking

    ‘Green’ parking refers to spaces being dedicated for low or zero greenhouse gas emission vehicles. Dedicated parking provisions encourage low emission transportation choices by providing preferred parking as an incentive for

    electric vehicles, motorcycles, scooters, carshares etc.


    Find out more about these and other progressive parking policies here

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Page last updated: 21 May 2024, 01:25 PM