Re-imagining Graham Avenue

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Re-imaging Graham Avenue

Help us create a signature street in our Downtown.

Graham Avenue will be a place to meet on a patio, attend a market, gather for events, read a book in the shade, or walk your dog.

Today, Graham Avenue is primarily a bus, bike, and pedestrian only street. Cars are permitted from Vaughan to Carlton, and between Fort and Main streets. In June 2025, bus routes will move off Graham Avenue to provide better bus service to Downtown, as planned in the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan.

This gives us an incredible opportunity to re-imagine how we use Graham Avenue. We want your feedback on the draft design of the street to help bring this vision to reality. 

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Re-imaging Graham Avenue

Help us create a signature street in our Downtown.

Graham Avenue will be a place to meet on a patio, attend a market, gather for events, read a book in the shade, or walk your dog.

Today, Graham Avenue is primarily a bus, bike, and pedestrian only street. Cars are permitted from Vaughan to Carlton, and between Fort and Main streets. In June 2025, bus routes will move off Graham Avenue to provide better bus service to Downtown, as planned in the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan.

This gives us an incredible opportunity to re-imagine how we use Graham Avenue. We want your feedback on the draft design of the street to help bring this vision to reality. 

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There are many reasons Graham Avenue is ready to be transformed into a key destination in our Downtown:

  • Bus routes are coming off the street within 5 years
  • Central location in the sports, hospitality, and entertainment district (SHED)
  • Lots of great destinations on Graham Avenue and within a short walk
  • New development to come at Wehwehneh Bahgahkinahgohn (former Hudson’s Bay building)
  • Many future development opportunities, primarily in surface parking lots
  • Key bike linkage Downtown

Buses coming off Graham Avenue

Today, Graham Avenue is primarily a bus and bike only street. As part of the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan, buses will begin moving off Graham Avenue in June 2025. This gives us an incredible opportunity to re-imagine Graham Avenue.

Graham Avenue today

Graham Avenue in the future

We’re transforming the transit route network. The proposed Primary Transit Network and its feeder routes will launch on June 29, 2025. More buses will travel north/south through Downtown, while fewer will travel east/west, reducing bus traffic on Graham Avenue and Portage Avenue. Once Rapid Transit infrastructure is built Downtown, all Graham routes will move to Portage Avenue.

Objectives for re-imaging Graham Avenue

The following objectives will help to guide the re-imagining of Graham Avenue:

Attracting people by creating a place to stay, rest, play, and shop. A new destination in the Downtown.

Bike connectivity
Maintaining Graham Ave’s role as a key bike linkage in the Downtown that runs parallel to future transit on Portage Avenue.

Encouraging infill development 
Supporting investment along Graham Avenue, including the redevelopment of large existing parking lots.

Greening streets
Creating a gathering, resting, and recreation space in the busy Downtown with lots of seating, shading and greenery.

Mixing modes
Accommodating for the modes (cars, pedestrians, cyclists) that best support the function and activities of each segment of Graham Avenue.

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Page last updated: 07 Jun 2024, 11:12 AM