Re-imagining Graham Avenue
Help us create a signature street in our Downtown.
Graham Avenue will be a place to meet on a patio, attend a market, gather for events, read a book in the shade, or walk your dog.
Today, Graham Avenue is primarily a bus, bike, and pedestrian only street. Cars are permitted from Vaughan to Carlton, and between Fort and Main streets. In June 2025, bus routes will move off Graham Avenue to provide better bus service to Downtown, as planned in the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan.
This gives us an incredible opportunity to re-imagine how we use Graham Avenue. We want your feedback on the draft design of the street to help bring this vision to reality.
Back to CentrePlan 2050
Help us create a signature street in our Downtown.
Graham Avenue will be a place to meet on a patio, attend a market, gather for events, read a book in the shade, or walk your dog.
Today, Graham Avenue is primarily a bus, bike, and pedestrian only street. Cars are permitted from Vaughan to Carlton, and between Fort and Main streets. In June 2025, bus routes will move off Graham Avenue to provide better bus service to Downtown, as planned in the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan.
This gives us an incredible opportunity to re-imagine how we use Graham Avenue. We want your feedback on the draft design of the street to help bring this vision to reality.
Back to CentrePlan 2050
Council review
Share Council review on Facebook Share Council review on Twitter Share Council review on Linkedin Email Council review linkWhat we heard
During Phase 3, you shared your thoughts at two open house events, an online survey, and online comments tool.
Read the Phase 3 public engagement summary and appendices. The summary provides an overview of what we heard from the public.
Next steps
An administrative report will be presented to the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development on July 4, 2024. The report recommends approval of CentrePlan 2050 as a secondary plan bylaw. It also includes recommendations related to both immediate and longer-term plan implementation. This includes a funding request for Graham Avenue to:
- Develop construction drawings
- Create an activities and programming plan for the street (Animation Strategy)
- Maintain the street after construction is complete
Phase 3 engagement closed
Share Phase 3 engagement closed on Facebook Share Phase 3 engagement closed on Twitter Share Phase 3 engagement closed on Linkedin Email Phase 3 engagement closed linkThank you to all who participated in public engagement. Public engagement opportunities included:
- Online comments tool
- Re-imagining Graham Avenue survey
- Two open houses
We are currently reviewing feedback. We will post an engagement summary online that outlines what we heard and how it was considered. -
Phase 3 public engagement begins
Share Phase 3 public engagement begins on Facebook Share Phase 3 public engagement begins on Twitter Share Phase 3 public engagement begins on Linkedin Email Phase 3 public engagement begins linkWe are creating a plan for how the street could look and function.
We heard that Graham Avenue should focus on pedestrians. To make Graham Avenue a vibrant destination in our Downtown, we heard it should include:
- Programmed activities
- Patios
- Storefronts
- Self-directed activities
Public art, secure bike parking, more street trees, better lighting, and places to sit are all important in the design of Graham Avenue. We also heard it should be flexible to allow for various activities, events, and celebrations.We considered and incorporated your input. We are excited to share the draft design of Graham Avenue and get your feedback.
We want to hear from you
Join us at an open house to ask questions about the project and share your thoughts. You can also take the survey by May 23, 2024.
Open house #1
Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Time: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.*
Location: Carol Shields Auditorium, Millennium Library, 251 Donald St.
Format: Come and go (drop-in)*Unfortunately, the open house ended earlier than scheduled on May 15 due to a power outage affecting most of Downtown.
Open house #2
Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024
Time: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Location: Carol Shields Auditorium, Millennium Library, 251 Donald St(External link).
Format: Come and go (drop-in)The next step in the process will include detailed design work. Council approval and funding is needed before detailed design can begin.
Phase 2 What we heard
Share Phase 2 What we heard on Facebook Share Phase 2 What we heard on Twitter Share Phase 2 What we heard on Linkedin Email Phase 2 What we heard linkIn Phase 2, we asked stakeholders for feedback on the preliminary design of Graham Avenue.
The Phase 2 stakeholder engagement summary and appendices gives an overview of the feedback we heard from stakeholders and how it was considered.
What we heard in Phase 2 was used to refine the preliminary design of Graham Avenue. In Phase 3, we will get feedback on the draft design of Graham Avenue. Feedback will help finalize how the street could look and function and inform future detailed design work.
Phase 1 what we heard
Share Phase 1 what we heard on Facebook Share Phase 1 what we heard on Twitter Share Phase 1 what we heard on Linkedin Email Phase 1 what we heard linkDuring Phase 1 engagement, we asked for feedback on the five key themes of CentrePlan 2050. You shared your input on what you would like to see and do on a re-imagined Graham Avenue.
What we heard will help to develop design options for re-designing Graham Avenue. Read the Phase 1 public engagement summary and appendices for an overview of what we heard.
How can we help?
If you have questions or require alternate formats, interpretation or any additional accommodations to participate, please visit or contact: | |
204-986-4243 |
Project Begins
Re-imagining Graham Avenue has finished this stageSpring 2022
Information gathering and analysis
Re-imagining Graham Avenue has finished this stageSummer 2022 to Winter 2023
Phase 1 public and stakeholder engagement
Re-imagining Graham Avenue has finished this stageSpring 2023
Draft options
Re-imagining Graham Avenue has finished this stageSummer 2023
Phase 2 stakeholder engagement
Re-imagining Graham Avenue has finished this stageFall 2023 to Winter 2024
Draft design
Re-imagining Graham Avenue has finished this stageSpring 2024
Phase 3 public engagement
Re-imagining Graham Avenue has finished this stageSpring 2024
Recommend draft design to Council
Re-imagining Graham Avenue is currently at this stageSummer 2024
Detailed design and construction*
this is an upcoming stage for Re-imagining Graham Avenue*Subject to Council approval and funding
Documents & maps
Downtown maps
Open house boards - Phase 3 - May 2024
What we heard - Phase 2
Open house boards - Phase 1 - May 2023
1. CentrePlan 2050 - Living & visiting Downtown - May 2023 (2.78 MB) (pdf)
CentrePlan 2050 - (all open house boards) (15.1 MB) (pdf)
2. CentrePlan 2050 - Greening Downtown - May 2023 (864 KB) (pdf)
3. CentrePlan 2050 - Getting around Downtown - May 2023 (7.57 MB) (pdf)
4. CentrePlan 2050 - Building Downtown - May 2023 (4.43 MB) (pdf)
5. CentrePlan 2050 - Re-imagining Graham Avenue - May 2023 (6.68 MB) (pdf)
What we heard - Phase 1
Phase 1 Public Engagement Summary - November 2023 (2.83 MB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Public Engagement Summary Appendices (full) - November 2023 (29.5 MB) (pdf)
Appendix A - Promotional material (152 KB) (pdf)
Appendix B - Living & visiting Downtown (10.8 MB) (pdf)
Appendix C - Greening Downtown (3.8 MB) (pdf)
Appendix D - Getting around Downtown (5.21 MB) (pdf)
Appendix E - Building Downtown (4.02 MB) (pdf)
Appendix F - Re-imagining Graham Avenue (3.69 MB) (pdf)
Appendix G - Youth engagement (816 KB) (pdf)
Appendix H - Exchange District Residents' workshop (1.5 MB) (pdf)
Appendix I - Open house feedback (6.6 MB) (pdf)
Appendix J - Map of survey respondents (117 KB) (pdf)
Engagement type
Listen & Learn Share feedback on pre-determined options. |