Eastern Corridor Study

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""The Eastern Corridor Study started in 2017 to identify a suitable corridor for Rapid Transit from Downtown to eastern Winnipeg – a corridor that provides convenience, speed, and reliability and is sensitive to existing neighbourhoods.

In 2021, Council approved the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor route along Sutherland Avenue through Point Douglas, across a new Louise Bridge, and along Nairn and Regent avenues. We are now in the final stage of the study, focusing on Point Douglas and Elmwood.

Explore the Eastern Corridor

""The Eastern Corridor Study started in 2017 to identify a suitable corridor for Rapid Transit from Downtown to eastern Winnipeg – a corridor that provides convenience, speed, and reliability and is sensitive to existing neighbourhoods.

In 2021, Council approved the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor route along Sutherland Avenue through Point Douglas, across a new Louise Bridge, and along Nairn and Regent avenues. We are now in the final stage of the study, focusing on Point Douglas and Elmwood.

Explore the Eastern Corridor

  • Public engagement closed

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    Thank you to all who attended the outdoor open house on June 27, 2022 or completed the survey. The survey was available from June 10 to July 15, 2022. Feedback is currently being considered and a summary of the engagement process will be posted online.

  • Public engagement open for feedback

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    The final phase of engagement is underway. We want your feedback on the design concept for the Eastern Corridor between Main Street and Watt Street, including the Louise Bridge. There are many ways to get involved:

    Outdoor open house

    Join us at this outdoor, family-friendly event for an opportunity to learn more about the approved Rapid Transit route between Downtown and eastern Winnipeg and share your thoughts. Refreshments and snacks provided.

    Date: Monday, June 27, 2022*
    Time: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
    Location: Sutherland Avenue & Gomez Street
    Format: Drop-in (come and go)

    Explore the Eastern Corridor

    To learn more about the Eastern Corridor Study, view the interactive presentation and FAQs. The presentation is also available in a PDF file.

    Take the survey

    The survey closes on July 15, 2022.

  • Eastern Corridor Study resumes

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    With the completion of the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan, the Eastern Corridor Study has resumed. The approved Eastern Corridor rapid transit route runs through Point Douglas and along Nairn and Regent Avenues. Stakeholder feedback gathered in September 2020 helped to refine the preferred route and inform bus station designs.

    The project team is working on the corridor’s configuration, and members of the public will have the opportunity to provide feedback on draft design concepts.

    Details of the preferred corridor route alignment and what factors influenced the decision are included in an appendix to the WTMP.

  • Eastern Corridor Study pauses ahead of Winnipeg Transit Master Plan launch

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    The Eastern Corridor Study was put on hold in the summer of 2019 to ensure alignment with the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan.

    Winnipeg Transit is recommending a Point Douglas alignment of the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor. Specific routes through the neighbourhood are currently being developed. Specific routing through the neighbourhood is yet to be determined, in consultation with various stakeholders.

    While Provencher Boulevard is not being recommended for the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor, the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan is proposing two primary network lines along that corridor.

    Once complete, the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan will recommend the prioritization of rapid transit corridors, and the Eastern Corridor’s relative priority among the other rapid transit candidate corridors.

    For more information, please visit winnipeg.ca/transitmasterplan.

  • Public engagement: May 2017 to July 2018

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    Thank you to everyone who has participated in engagement so far. To date over 4,800 people have participated in pop-up events, stakeholder workshops, community meetings, and open houses. At these events, members of the public shared their aspirations for a new Eastern Corridor route, provided input on how route options should be evaluated, and reviewed and commented on potential route alignments and options.

    Please visit the Document Library to view summaries of previous engagement and see below.

    May – July 2017: Opportunity and Criteria Identification

    November – December 2017: Corridor Identification and Criteria Weighting

    June – July 2018: Shortlisted Corridor Options

Page last updated: 21 May 2024, 01:45 PM