Building Downtown

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Building Downtown

We want to build a Downtown that is comfortable and liveable for everyone.

The way we design buildings and open spaces can help make Downtown more vibrant and improve the quality of life of residents.

CentrePlan 2050 will be the City’s main tool for determining how we experience Downtown over the next 30 years. Our buildings and open spaces are a big part of that and shape how we experience Downtown. Your input will help us create guidelines for how we design our buildings and public spaces in Downtown Winnipeg.

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Building Downtown

We want to build a Downtown that is comfortable and liveable for everyone.

The way we design buildings and open spaces can help make Downtown more vibrant and improve the quality of life of residents.

CentrePlan 2050 will be the City’s main tool for determining how we experience Downtown over the next 30 years. Our buildings and open spaces are a big part of that and shape how we experience Downtown. Your input will help us create guidelines for how we design our buildings and public spaces in Downtown Winnipeg.

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Cities with excellent urban design will be more economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable. We envision a vibrant Downtown that competes with other cities to attract residents, businesses, and visitors at a national and global level.

As part of CentrePlan 2050, we will be creating Urban Design Guidelines for Downtown buildings and public spaces. Urban Design Guidelines are meant to provide property owners, tenants, and the design community with a clear understanding of design expectations for projects in the Downtown. While the guidelines will provide fairly specific expectations in some areas of building and site design, they are intended to allow for flexibility in their application. This is particularly important in light of the unique nature of Downtown development and the goal of creating unique experiences within our Downtown neighbourhoods.

The Urban Design Guidelines will:

  • Help designers, developers, and residents understand the City’s expectations for good design
  • Help City staff evaluate proposals for new development
  • Consider our unique streets, character areas and districts Downtown including the Exchange District and Exchange District National Historic Site
  • Provide specific guidance on the design of new buildings, additions to existing buildings, and public spaces
  • Integrate with the Streetscape Design Standards Manual
  • Inform future changes to the Zoning By-law
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Page last updated: 09 May 2024, 02:30 PM