River/Stradbrook/Wellington Road Renewal and Protected Bike Lanes

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Consultation has concluded

Protected bike lanes will be installed on River Avenue, Stradbrook Avenue, and Wellington Crescent (between River and Stradbrook) in 2023 as part of a larger road renewal project in the area.

This project will also include pedestrian upgrades like new crossings as well as trees and other elements that will together make cycling and walking through the area safer, more convenient, and more attractive options. Construction is expected to start in Summer 2023 and end in Fall 2023.

Protected bike lanes will be installed on River Avenue, Stradbrook Avenue, and Wellington Crescent (between River and Stradbrook) in 2023 as part of a larger road renewal project in the area.

This project will also include pedestrian upgrades like new crossings as well as trees and other elements that will together make cycling and walking through the area safer, more convenient, and more attractive options. Construction is expected to start in Summer 2023 and end in Fall 2023.


Protected bike lanes will be installed on River Avenue and Stradbrook Avenue in 2023 as part of a larger road renewal project in the area. 

Routes through the area were first identified as key connections in the Council-approved Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies. They were further studied as part of the 2018 Osborne to Downtown Walk Bike Bridge and Connections project, which included in-depth consultation with area businesses, residents, community groups, and the larger cycling community. 

Based on what we heard during public engagement, the project team developed a preliminary design for the larger area that included protected bike lanes on River Avenue and Stradbrook Avenue from Harkness Street to Wellington Crescent. 

While the full Osborne to Downtown Walk Bike Bridge and Connections project connection remains an unfunded Capital project, the broader River/Stradbrook/Wellington Road Renewal project provides an opportunity to build protected bike lanes within the renewal area. 

Consultation has concluded
*Construction is scheduled for summer/fall 2023.