Why are bike lanes being built on River Avenue, Stradbrook Avenue, and Wellington Crescent?

    A key direction of the Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies (PCS) is to develop local bike networks in each neighbourhood that connect to the existing network and to the Downtown. The PCS prescribe cycling infrastructure on River, Stradbrook and Wellington within the study area; the road renewal in the area provides an opportunity to install this infrastructure as part of a larger construction project.

    How do you know people want bike lanes here?

    In 2018, Osborne Village residents, business owners, and other Winnipeggers provided feedback on locations and potential types of infrastructure for active transportation through Osborne Village. This was part of the larger Osborne to Downtown Walk Bike Bridge and Connections project. 

    Through this engagement, we heard from a wide range of Winnipeggers about preferences and priorities for cycling connections in Osborne Village. Desire and support for protected bike lanes on River and Stradbrook was overwhelming.

    What kind of bike infrastructure will be built as part of this project?

    Two different types of bike infrastructure will be constructed:

    1. One-way protected bike lanes on River and Stradbrook from Harkness to Wellington and on Wellington from River to Stradbrook. 
    2. Two-way protected bike lanes on River from Bryce Street to Fort Rouge Park.

    Why is a two-way bike lane only being built from Bryce to Fort Rouge Park?

    A two-way protected bike lane will provide a more direct route for cyclists travelling southbound on Osborne and wanting to connect to Stradbrook. 

    Cyclists would travel from Osborne east on Roslyn, south on Bryce, east on River (counterflow of traffic) and south on Scott to connect to Stradbrook. This connection will also serve cyclists from the residential area north of River wanting to connect to Stradbrook and/or those travelling to Fort Rouge Park.

    When will the River/Stradbrook bike lanes be built?

    Construction is expected to start in Summer 2023 and finish in Fall 2023. Construction is estimated to take 20 weeks over two phases:

    • Phase 1: Stradbrook 
    • Phase 2: Wellington and River west of Osborne
    • Phase 3: River east of Osborne

    We will work on River east of Osborne last to maximize on-street parking available during construction

    Will this project affect Winnipeg Transit routes in the area?

    Winnipeg Transit currently operates on River, Stradbrook, and Wellington. The bike lanes will not impact Transit operations in the area; however, bus stops will be relocated and improved to accommodate the bike lane design.

    How will parking and loading be impacted on River and Stradbrook?

    For protected bike lanes to be constructed within the existing right-of-way of River and Stradbrook changes to on-street parking and loading are required. 

    The City recognizes that on-street parking and loading is critical for local residents and for the day-to-day operations of many local businesses. However, the design must balance the many needs and perspectives of all users of the street. 

    At this stage in the design, the following parking and loading impacts are expected:

    1. The existing parking lane on the south side of River and north side of Stradbrook between Osborne and Donald will be converted to a travel lane with loading allowed outside of rush hour. 
    2. This will result in the reduction of approximately 83 parking spaces on River and 23 parking spaces on Stradbrook out of the total 1073* on-street parking spaces in Osborne Village (*1073 on-street parking spaces is based on a parking study conducted in 2010 for Osborne Village). 

    We will also meet with affected businesses and property owners to confirm the design meets specific business’ loading and delivery needs and that general access issues have been resolved.

    As part of the Phase 2 engagement, we are looking to confirm business’ loading and delivery needs are met and that we are resolving any access issues. We are also providing information on construction timing and phasing. 

    Have you met with local businesses to discuss parking impacts?

    Yes, we invited local businesses to meet with the project team last summer (2022). We continue to work with Osborne Village business owners to determine how we can best mitigate any loading, delivery, and access concerns.

    Will there be public engagement on these bike lanes?

    No, we will not be engaging on whether or not to construct bike lanes. We already heard definitively from the public on these bike lanes during the Osborne to Downtown Walk Bike Bridge and Connections project. 

    In 2022, we met directly with potentially affected businesses and property owners to gain an understanding of parking and loading needs and to develop plans to mitigate access concerns. The final design and construction timelines will be presented back to potentially affected businesses and property owners. We are now inviting the public to an information session to learn about the design and construction.