Downtown Bike Routes

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Getting around Downtown - Bike routes

We are desigining three key bike routes Downtown to improve connectivity to, from, and within the Downtown:

  • St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue
  • Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue
  • William Stephenson Way

We are also looking at cycling infrastructure on Graham Avenue as part of Re-imagining Graham Avenue.

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Getting around Downtown - Bike routes

We are desigining three key bike routes Downtown to improve connectivity to, from, and within the Downtown:

  • St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue
  • Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue
  • William Stephenson Way

We are also looking at cycling infrastructure on Graham Avenue as part of Re-imagining Graham Avenue.

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Evaluation criteria

The project team evaluated options for each bike route based on seven criteria:

Cycling comfort

Attractive to the broadest number of users (all ages and all abilities).


Safety risks posed by conflict points with intersections, accesses and driveways for all users.

Connectivity & proximity

Fits into the overall bike network and connects to existing bike routes.

Proximity to other parallel bike routes.


Relative cost and level of effort required for ongoing all-seasons maintenance.


Relative capital cost.

Traffic operations

Impact to traffic operations.

Parking & loading

Impact to on-street parking and loading.

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    3 months ago

    Recommendations are available in PDF or HTML format.

Page last updated: 12 Aug 2024, 01:15 PM