Phase 3: Downtown bike routes slides
Downtown bike routes (slide 1)
CentrePlan 2050
Virtual event
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Land acknowledgement (slide 2)
Winnipeg is located in Treaty One Territory, the home and traditional lands of the Anishinaabe (Ojibwe), Ininew (Cree), and Dakota peoples, and in the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. Our drinking water comes from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, in Treaty Three Territory.
Agenda (slide 3)
- Welcome and introductions (10 minutes)
- St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue
- Presentation (20 minutes)
- Questions (15 minutes)
- Cumberland Avenue and Notre Dame Avenue
- Presentation (20 minutes)
- Questions (15 minutes)
- Next steps and wrap up (10 minutes)
Downtown bike routes (slide 4)
The City is looking at design options for the following routes to improve connectivity to/from and within the Downtown:
- St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue
- Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue
- William Stephenson Way (further study needed)
- Graham Avenue (see Re-Imagining Graham Avenue)
Designs were developed that can be used for future street renewal projects and/or stand alone infrastructure projects on these streets.
The Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies (PCS) provide the long-term vision for accessible, convenient, and safe walking and cycling infrastructure for people of all ages and abilities. The PCS is currently undergoing an update as part of the Transportation Master Plan 2050 project.
The design of Downtown bike routes have to consider some factors that set Downtown apart from other areas, including limited road space, high traffic volumes, transit, one-way streets, and demand for on-street parking and loading.
Context - Bike routes study area (slide 5)
Image description: Map of Downtown Winnipeg showing project study corridors, existing protected bike lanes, existing painted bike lanes, existing multi-use pathways and existing multi-use pathways (unpaved)
- St. Mary Avenue & York Avenue protected bike lanes
- Notre Dame Avenue & Cumberland Avenue protected bike lanes
- Further enhancements to the William Stephenson Way intersection will need additional study
- A future connection across Main Street will be studied as part of the Rapid Transit (Downtown Corridors) Preliminary Design study.
Context - Design features (slide 6)
One-way protected bike lane
- Physically separated, on-street lanes for bike travel in one direction.
- Cyclists are physically separated from vehicles by a raised curb.
- Cyclists can enter/exit at intersections.
Image description: One-way protected bike lane example from 76 Avenue NW, Edmonton
Image description: One-way protected bike lane example from Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg
Two-way protected bike lane
- Physically separated, on-street lanes for bike travel in both directions.
- Cyclists are physically separated from vehicles by a raised curb.
- Cyclists can enter/exit at intersections.
Image description: Two-way protected bike lane example from Garry Street, Winnipeg
Image description: Two-way protected bike lane example from 7th Street SW, Calgary
Raised bike lane
- Physically separated lanes for bike travel, typically adjacent to a sidewalk or median.
- Cyclists are physically separated from vehicles by a raised lane at the level of the adjacent sidewalk.
- Can sometimes be separated from vehicles by a parking lane.
Image description: Raised bike lane example from Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg
Context - Intersection features (slide 7)
Two-stage turn box
- Provides a dedicated waiting area for cyclists making a turn from a protected bike lane.
- Cyclists move into the box to wait for a green signal (at a signaled intersection) or gap in traffic (at a stop sign) to complete the turn.
- Vehicles are not permitted to wait in the bike box area and must stop at the stop line behind it.
- Right turns on red are restricted at signalized locations where bike boxes are present.
Image description: Diagram of green painted bike box to facilitate left turns
Pavement markings
- Indicate the path for cyclists through intersections and driveways.
- Increase the visibility of the bike lane and reinforces that cyclists have priority in these areas.
Image description: Garry Street two-way bike lane with green paint indicating conflict area
Curb extensions
- A horizontal intrusion of the curb into the roadway
- Make the roadway more narrow to decrease the pedestrian crossing distance and reduce the speed of vehicles.
Image description: Examples of two streets with curb extensions with a red dashed line to indicate curb extensions that narrow the roadway
Project timeline - Downtown bike routes (slide 8)
- Project begins – Fall 2022
- Background analysis – Fall 2022 – Winter 2023
- Phase 1 public and stakeholder engagement – May 2023
- Prepare and analyze conceptual bike route options – Summer – Fall 2023
- Phase 2 public and stakeholder engagement – February 2024
- Prepare recommended bike route designs – Winter – Spring 2024
- Phase 3 public and stakeholder engagement – July 2024
- Finalize bike route designs – Fall 2024
Public engagement - Phase 2 (slide 9)
Virtual event
54 participants attended the virtual event on Zoom
Stakeholder meetings
10 property owners provided input on specific operational concerns
Online survey
1,280 responses
Mapping tool
75 map comments
Evaluation criteria (slide 10)
The project team evaluated options based on:
Cycling comfort
Attractive to the broadest number of users (all ages and all abilities).
Safety risks posed by conflict points with intersections, accesses and driveways for all users.
Connectivity & proximity
Fits into the overall bike network and connects to existing bike routes.
Proximity to other parallel bike routes.
Relative cost and level of effort required for ongoing all-seasons maintenance.
Relative capital cost.
Traffic operations
Impact to traffic operations.
Parking & loading
Impact to on-street parking and loading.
Public engagement - Phase 2 - What we heard (slide 11)
Cycling comfort
- The proposed intersection designs would benefit from protected intersections. This would provide greater comfort for cyclists.
- The proposed bike boxes provide additional comfort for cyclists but may be confusing for first-time users.
- Support for wider medians and larger curb extensions to further separate pedestrians and cyclists from cars.
- The protected bike lanes provide a sense of safety from vehicles.
- Concerns with the amount of intersections that the bike lanes would cross.
Connectivity & proximity
- There is a need for additional north and south bike lanes Downtown.
- These routes are key east-west connections through Downtown and are likely to be busier than other bike routes.
- Concerns with the cost to build and maintain bike lanes.
Public engagement - Phase 2 - What we heard (slide 12)
- Bike boxes would require additional maintenance to ensure the green paint does not wear off or fade.
- Ensure that the bike lanes can be easily cleared of snow and debris and that maintenance is completed in a timely manner.
Traffic operations
- Concerns that there will be an increase in vehicle traffic congestion.
- Ensure that the design of bike boxes accommodates larger style bikes such as cargo, tandem, and trailers.
- Concern that truck turn movements may be impacted by bike lanes.
Parking & loading
- More bike racks are needed along these routes and throughout Downtown.
- Some concerns about the loss of parking and loading spaces for businesses within the area.
St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue – Options (slide 13)
We considered two options for protected bike lanes on St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue:
- Preferred option: One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue
- Alternate option: Two-way protected bike lane on York Avenue only
St. Mary Avenue - Existing conditions
Image description: Example of existing conditions on St. Mary Avenue at Donald Street showing sidewalks, on-street parking and loading lanes, painted bike lane, two full-time travel lanes and restricted on-street parking and loading during rush hours
York Avenue - Existing conditions
Image description: Example of existing conditions on York Avenue at Garry Street showing sidewalks, two full-time travel lanes and restricted on-street parking and loading during rush hours
Preferred option - What we heard - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 14)
- Overall, there was more support for the preferred option.
- 71% of survey respondents indicated that they support the preferred option.
- 36% of survey respondents indicated that they support the alternate option.
- Respondents indicated that one-way protected bike lanes would provide more comfort and connectivity.
- Some respondents indicated that they do not support any bike lanes Downtown.
Image description: Bar graph showing level of support for the preferred and alternate option:
- Preferred option: 59% strongly support, 12% somewhat support, 4% neutral, 4% somewhat oppose, 21% strongly oppose
- Alternate option: 13% strongly support, 23% somewhat support, 16% neutral, 17% somewhat oppose, 31% strongly oppose
We are recommending: One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 15)
We are recommending one-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue based on the evaluation criteria and what we heard from stakeholders and the public.
Cycling comfort
- One-way bike lanes follow the direction of traffic, which is more comfortable for cyclists and drivers.
- Stakeholders and the public told us they are more comfortable biking in the same direction as traffic.
- Crossing one-way bike lanes is typically easier for all users than crossing two-way bike lanes. Drivers, pedestrians, and other cyclists only have to scan one direction of bike traffic before determining whether it is safe to cross the bike lane.
Connectivity & proximity
- Bike access is provided to destinations on and around both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue.
Traffic operations
- One-way protected bike lanes have fewer impacts on the way traffic flows. For example, traffic signal timing is simpler than with two-way bike lanes.
Recommendation overview - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 16)
Image description: Study area map showing the route of the proposed protected bike lane on St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue, transit stops, signalized crossing locations, existing protected bike lanes and existing painted bike lanes
Design features - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 17)
- Wide one-way bike lane that follows direction of traffic
- Wide buffers between bike lanes and traffic
- Off-peak parking and loading maintained on one side of each street
- Maintains three vehicle lanes on each street
St. Mary Avenue between Garry Street and Smith Street (looking west)
Image description: Cross-section diagram of St. Mary Avenue between Garry Street and Smith Street (looking west) showing a 2.3 m sidewalk, .7 m buffer, 3.3 m turning / parking lane, 3.5 m drive lane, 3.5 m turn lane, 1.7 median, 2.4 m bike lane, .7 m buffer and 2.1 m sidewalk
York Avenue between Garry Street and Smith Street (looking east)
Image description: Cross-section diagram of York Avenue between Garry Street and Smith Street (looking east) showing a 2.05 m sidewalk, 1.2 m buffer, 3 m turning / parking lane, 3.3 m drive lane, 3.3 m turn lane, 1.2 median, 2.4 m bike lane, 1.2 m buffer and 2.05 m sidewalk
Examples - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 18)
Example: St. Mary Avenue (between Smith Street and Garry Street)
Image description: Example of recommended one-way protected bike lane on St. Mary Avenue between Smith Street and Garry Street
Example: York Avenue (between Smith Street and Garry Street)
Image description: Example of recommended one-way protected bike lane on York Avenue between Smith Street and Garry Street
Key intersections and areas - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 19)
Image description: Study area map showing the route of the proposed protected bike lane on St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue, transit stops, signalized crossing locations, existing protected bike lanes and existing painted bike lanes with key intersections and areas indicated in colored circles
Map legend
Key Intersections (see proposed designs on next slide)
- St. Mary Avenue at Colony Street
- St. Mary Avenue at Memorial Boulevard
- St. Mary Avenue at Garry Street
- York Avenue at Colony Street
- York Avenue at Garry Street
Key Areas (see proposed designs on next slide)
- Winnipeg Clinic
- St Mary’s Cathedral
- Manitoba Law Courts
York Avenue and St. Mary Avenue are part of the City’s truck route network. The designs must ensure that it is possible for large trucks to make turns at all of the intersections.
Key intersections - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 20)
1. St. Mary Avenue at Colony Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the one-way protected bike lane, curbs, and pavement markings
Map legend:
- Raised bike lane
- Tightened curb radius to provide more space for pedestrians
- Enhanced pavement markings through wide parking approach
2. St. Mary Avenue at Memorial Boulevard
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the one-way protected bike lane, curbs, sidewalks and pavement markings
Map legend:
- Bike box to enable left turn
- Bike signal waiting area
- Widened sidewalk around bike waiting area
3. St. Mary Avenue at Garry Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the one-way protected bike lane, curbs and pavement markings
Map legend:
- Bike box to enable left turn
- Curb extension to shorten pedestrian crossing. This will remove potential conflict from cars in the parking lane driving through intersection into protected bike lane.
Key intersections - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 21)
4. York Avenue at Colony Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the one-way protected bike lane, curbs, and pavement markings
Map legend:
- Colony Street realigned to improve pedestrian and cycling crossing
- Protected bike lane
- Curb extensions provide added boulevard space
5. York Avenue at Garry Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the one-way protected bike lane, curbs, and pavement markings
Map legend:
- Bike box to enable left turn
- Curb extension to shorten pedestrian crossing
Key areas - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 22)
A. Winnipeg Clinic
Image description: Drawing of St. Mary Avenue in front of the Winnipeg Clinic showing a parking and loading bay and raised bike lane on the north side of St. Mary Avenue
Map legend:
- Raised bike lane
- Parking and loading bay
B. St Mary’s Cathedral
Image description: Drawing of St. Mary Avenue in front of St. Mary’s Cathedral showing a parking and loading bay and raised bike lane on the north side of St. Mary Avenue
Map legend:
- Raised bike lane
- Parking and loading bay
C. Manitoba Law Courts
Image description: Drawing of York Avenue in front of the Manitoba Law Courts showing a parking and loading bay and raised bike lane on the south side of York Avenue
Map legend:
- Raised bike lane
- Parking and loading bay
- Additional sightline area
On-street parking - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 23)
Current study area parking
Image description: Study area map showing the existing number of parking stalls on each block of St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue in blue, and the existing number of parking stalls on each north-south streets between St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue in yellow
Approximate current on-street parking stalls
St. Mary Avenue: 120; York Avenue: 127; Total: 795
Recommended option future on-street parking stalls
St. Mary Avenue: 76 (down 44 stalls); York Avenue: 127 (down 53 stalls); Total: 698 (down 97 stalls)
North-south streets between Graham Avenue and Broadway: 548 (no change)
Recommendation - One-way protected bike lanes on both St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue (slide 24)
Questions / Comments
Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue – Options (slide 25)
We considered two options for protected bike lanes on Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue:
- Option 1: Two-way protected bike lane (south side) on Cumberland Avenue
- Option 2: Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue
Both options include a two-way protected bike lane on the north side of Notre Dame Avenue. We did not indicate a preferred option in Phase 2.
Notre Dame Avenue - Existing conditions
Image description: Example of existing conditions on Notre Dame Avenue showing sidewalks, on-street parking and loading lanes, two full-time travel lanes and restricted on-street parking and loading during rush hours
Cumberland Avenue - Existing conditions
Image description: Example of existing conditions on Cumberland Avenue showing sidewalks, on-street parking and loading lanes and two full-time travel lanes
Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue – Options (slide 26)
- Overall, there was similar support for both options.
- 50% of survey respondents indicated that they support Option 1.
- 47% of survey respondents indicated that they support Option 2.
- Survey respondents indicated that both options had similar comfort and connectivity.
- Some respondents indicated that they do not support any bike lanes Downtown.
Image description: Bar graph showing level of support for Option 1 and Option 2
- Option 1: 34% strongly support, 16% somewhat support, 20% neutral, 5% somewhat oppose, 25% strongly oppose
- Option 2: 29% strongly support, 18% somewhat support, 20% neutral, 7% somewhat oppose, 26% strongly oppose
Recommendation overview - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 27)
We are recommending Option 2: Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue based on the evaluation criteria and what we heard from stakeholders and the public.
Cycling comfort
- Two-way bike lane provides opportunity for passing.
- Avoids bus stops and slip lanes.
- Less intersections, lanes, and driveways.
- Bike lane located on opposite side of street as bus stops removes conflicts between bikes and bus passengers.
- Relatively lower capital cost to construct due to less right turn. channels and Transit integration requirements.
Recommendation overview - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 28)
Image description: Study area map showing the route of the proposed two-way protected bike lanes on Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue, transit stops, pedestrian crossing locations, signalized crossing locations, existing protected bike lanes and existing painted bike lanes
Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue are part of the City’s truck route network. The designs must ensure that it is possible for large trucks to make turns at all of the intersections.
Design features - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 29)
- Two-way bike lane with opportunities for passing
- Two-way bike lane does not follow direction of one-way traffic, which can be less comfortable for cyclists and drivers
- Narrow buffer between bike lanes and traffic
- Maintains two vehicle lanes on each street with impacts to parking and loading (loss of one vehicle lane)
North side Cumberland Avenie from Furby Street to Young Street (looking east)
Image description: Cross-section diagram of Cumberland Avenue from Furby Street to Young Street (looking east) showing a .6 m planting area, 4.1 m sidewalk, 3.m two-way bike lane, .9 m median, 3.3 m drive lane, 3.5 m drive lane, .6 m buffer, 3.5 m sidewalk, .6 m building setback
Examples - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 30)
Example: Notre Dame (between Carlton Street/Ellen Street and Dagmar Street)
Image description: Example of recommended two-way protected bike lane on Notre Dame Avenue between Carlton Street / Ellen Street and Dagmar Street
Example: Cumberland Avenue Avenue (between McMicken Street and Young Street) 
Image description: Example of recommended two-way protected bike lane on Cumberland Avenue Avenue between McMicken Street and Young Street
Key intersections and areas - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 31)
Image description: Study area map showing the route of the proposed protected bike lanes on Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue, transit stops, signalized crossing locations, pedestrian crossing locations, existing protected bike lanes and existing painted bike lanes with key intersections and areas indicated in colored circles
Key intersections (see proposed designs on next slide)
- Cumberland Avenue at Sherbrook Street
- Cumberland Avenue at Balmoral Street
- Cumberland Avenue at Carlton Street
- Cumberland Avenue at Hargrave Street
- Notre Dame Avenue at Carlton Street
- Notre Dame Avenue at Hargrave Street
Key areas (see proposed designs on next slide)
- 411 Cumberland Avenue
- Edmonton Street
Key intersections - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 32)
1. Cumberland Avenue at Sherbrook Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the two-way protected bike lane, raised crossings, transit stops, curbs, and pavement markings
Map legend
- Raised crossing
- Connection to Sherbrook Street bike lane
- Mountable curb for truck turns
- Connection to Wellington Avenue
- Transit stops
2. Cumberland Avenue at Balmoral Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the two-way protected bike lane, grass boulevard, raised bike lane, curbs and pavement markings
Map legend
- High-volume vehicle left turn
- Left turns may require a protected signal phase
- Raised bike lane
- Boulevard and curb extensions to shorten pedestrian crossing
3. Cumberland Avenue at Carlton Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the two-way protected bike lane, curbs and pavement markings
Map legend
- Bike box to enable right turn onto Carlton Street
- Future protected bike lane on Carlton Street
- Curb extensions to shorten pedestrian crossing
Key intersections - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 33)
4. Cumberland Avenue at Hargrave Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the two-way protected bike lane, grass boulevard, curbs and pavement markings
Map legend
- Curb extensions to shorten pedestrian crossing
- Bike box to enable left turn
- Future protected bike lane on Hargrave Street
5. Notre Dame Avenue at Carlton Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the two-way protected bike lane, curbs and pavement markings
Map legend
- Curb extension for Transit stop and to shorten pedestrian crossing
- Bike box to enable left turn
- Future protected bike lane on Carlton Street
6. Notre Dame Avenue at Hargrave Street
Image description: Drawing of intersection showing the two-way protected bike lane, curbs and pavement markings
Map legend
- New island to accommodate two-way bike lane and Transit stop
- Bike box to enable left turn
- Future protected bike lane on Hargrave Street
Key areas - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 34)
A. 411 Cumberland Avenue
Image description: Drawing of Cumberland Avenue in front of 411 Cumberland showing a parking and loading bay and raised bike lane on the north side of Cumberland Avenue
Map legend
- Parking and loading bay
- Raised bike lane
- Narrowed sidewalk
B. Edmonton Street
Image description: Drawing of Cumberland Avenue at Edmonton Street showing a green curb extension in place of an existing slip lane on the south side of Cumberland Avenue
Map legend
- Boulevard and curb extensions to remove slip lane and shorten pedestrian crossing
On-street parking - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 35)
Current study area parking
Image description: Study area map showing the existing number of parking stalls on each block of Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue in blue, and the existing number of parking stalls on each north-south streets between Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue in yellow
Approximate current on-street parking stalls
Notre Dame Avenue: 31; Cumberland Avenue: 54; Total: 149
Recommended option future on-street parking stalls
Notre Dame Avenue: 22 (down 9 stalls); Cumberland Avenue: 12 (down 42 stalls); Total: 98 (down 51 stalls)
North-south streets between Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue: 64 (no change)
Recommendation - Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Notre Dame Avenue / Two-way protected bike lane (north side) on Cumberland Avenue (slide 36)
Questions / Comments
Next steps (slide 37)
- Finalize bike route design.
St. Mary Avenue and York Avenue
- Both streets have planned road reconstruction as part of future Downtown street renewals between 2025-2027.
- Bike lanes on both streets will be detail designed and constructed as part of that project.
Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue
- There is no timeline for the construction of bike lanes on Notre Dame Avenue and Cumberland Avenue.
- Before detailed design and construction can occur, Council would need to allocate funding.
William Stephenson Way
- Designs are complete to widen several sidewalks along William Stephenson Way and Waterfront Drive to become multi-use pathways.
- There is no timeline for the construction of the multi-use pathways as funding must first be allocated from the Pedestrian and Cycling Program.
- The intersection of William Stephenson Way and Waterfront Drive requires further study to address traffic concerns that were identified in this study.
Downtown bike routes (slide 38)
Thank you!
Questions / Comments