Check out the consultant's findings on facility options below.

Option 1: Construct a new building for the Archives to meet needs for up to 20 years

Option 1 provides ideal space for the City of Winnipeg Archives, offering a new, purpose-built facility that securely houses 20 years’ worth of collection growth in a climate-controlled vault alongside inviting public spaces. This option positions the City’s Archives to best carry out its mandate to connect citizens, clients, and City administration with its historical records in an accessible, modern, and efficient facility. Option 1 requires higher initial build costs than the other options reviewed but provides long-term value as a permanent home for the City’s rich archival collection with room to grow.

Key Features
A new, purpose-built facility that securely houses the collection in a climate-controlled vault, room for growth, and inviting public spaces; supports current and improved program needs.
Built to ideal specification.
Includes 20-year growth horizon.
High initial cost
No identified site.
Availability of site with central location, time required to secure location.
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Consultation has concluded