How long will the review take?

    The review began in spring 2023 and is expected to finish in winter 2023/24.

    What improvements will be made to the West Kildonan Library?

    The review will identify potential options to improve the West Kildonan Library. Improvements could include building upgrades to meet building code and accessibility requirements, as well as improvements for service and amenity changes based on feedback from the community.

    Why are improvements needed at West Kildonan Library?

    Council adopted the the Library Facility Redevelopment Strategy (LFRS) on January 29, 2013. The LFRS found that the West Kildonan Library no longer meets service needs. This includes universal accessibility standards and environmental requirements.

    How much will improvements at the West Kildonan Library cost?

    The City assessed the building to understand what work is needed and how much it will cost. We developed three improvement options with Class 4 (-30% to +60%) cost estimates. The cost estimates range from $6.3 million to $10.7 million. Improvements will be subject to Council approval and funding.

    When will construction begin?

    Council approval of the recommended option and funding is required before construction begins.

    Is West Kildonan Library recognized as a heritage building?

    Yes. On January 9, 2023, the Standing Policy Committee on Property & Development approved the designation of the West Kildonan Library to the list of municipally designated historical resources. More detail on the history of the library can be found here: List of Historical Resources - Planning, Property and Development Department - City of Winnipeg

    Where is West Kildonan Library located?

    West Kildonan Library is located at 365 Jefferson Street.

    What happened to the plan to move the Library to the Garden City Shopping Centre?

    Council rejected moving the West Kildonan Library to a new leased location in 2022. The West Kildonan Library Feasibility Study will look at potential options to improve the existing library.

    How can I get involved?

    Subscribe for updates to ensure you are aware of opportunities to get involved.