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Winnipeggers enjoy and value the city’s trees. Now is the time to plan to ensure we continue to enjoy our urban forest for years to come. The Winnipeg Urban Forest Strategy will provide a 20-year vision for our city’s tree canopy and develop policy, recommendations, and strategic actions to help protect, preserve, and grow the canopy well into the future.
It will provide direction for all of Winnipeg’s urban forest, which includes vegetation, trees, soil, and associated natural processes across both public and private lands. The urban forest is in our parks, on our streets, and in our own backyards.
Winnipeggers enjoy and value the city’s trees. Now is the time to plan to ensure we continue to enjoy our urban forest for years to come. The Winnipeg Urban Forest Strategy will provide a 20-year vision for our city’s tree canopy and develop policy, recommendations, and strategic actions to help protect, preserve, and grow the canopy well into the future.
It will provide direction for all of Winnipeg’s urban forest, which includes vegetation, trees, soil, and associated natural processes across both public and private lands. The urban forest is in our parks, on our streets, and in our own backyards.
View the draft Winnipeg Urban Forest Strategy and leave your comments here. Comments close June 22, 2022.
This project has concluded
Comments are now closed.
We have submitted comments on the Draft Strategy directly to via a .pdf. I trust this is sufficient.
Trees Riverview, June 22, 2022
almost 3 years ago
I also agree with the comments that our city’s trees and forests really need an overhaul and upkeep. So many dead trees, it’s quite depressing to see and it’s everywhere in the city. The newly planted trees along Chief Penguis (between Lag. And Gateway) are all struggling and almost dead. Portage la Prairie has a really nice row of flowering fruit trees when entering the town from the west, very welcoming and cheerful. Winnipeg needs to adapt and try new species and new ideas, move forward from those species that no longer survive here very well.
I appreciate that the city is looking at maintaining existing and supporting increase in tree planting, expanding urban forests, emphasis on expanding. This is all good for carbon capture, oxygen release and creating spaces for our children to learn to respect and honour our trees as family. These are living species with much to teach us and our children when we pause to listen and see their beauty and contribution to earth life. As most of us now choose to live in cities we need to bring and restore zones of the land and what it can teach us right here in our yards and public spaces. It is a form of reconciliation with the earth as humans have erred in seeing the earth as something for the taking, a source for extraction. By planting and honouring an expanded tree canopy we are learning and acting responsibly.
Peter Krahn
almost 3 years ago
I would be interested in knowing whether the people who are planning this Urban Forest Strategy are the same people who allowed the Assiniboine Park Conservancy to destroy 300 healthy trees in order to set up their so-called Diversity Gardens which overtake a significant part of what should be green space in a natural park. Unconscionable! I hope that the Conservancy was fined a large amount for this unacceptable act, and I would like the people who allowed this to happen to be held accountable.
almost 3 years ago
Removed by moderator.
Fed up in St. James
almost 3 years ago
Maybe you should actually go and see what you are talking about. Lived at my address over 20 yrs worked at City and after numerous calls to 311 to complain about the overgrown elm trees on Blvd. Still waiting! Shocking isn't. I had to remove a 65 yr old blue spruce because the Blvd trees killed it. Tree started to become tangled in blvd trees because the sidewalk side is so over grown. Great you trim Road side only. Maybe you should get a planning schedule and start looking after the trees we already have before you waste time and money planting more. Make a caveat for ALL new developments that builders must plant 200 trees. They killed how many to put up the new development! Why should I pay for a new area to get trees. Why did you make Charleswood residents pay for the trees some jerk off took down to get a house moved? Why wasn't he made to pay to replace all the trees cut down for a house! Idiots.You need some new younger ideas people. Be warned if they don't want others to see bad comments they have a moderator delete your message.
Fed up in St. James
almost 3 years ago
The Draft Urban Forest Strategy proposes planting more elm and ash as they are depleted. Perhaps we don't need to replace them one for one if they are subject to disease and pests. How about replacing some of them with a different genus of tree? I would also like to see recommendations for neighbour-friendly trees. Some trees shed a lot of seeds that sprout everywhere and accumulate in piles. Others have extensive roots that come to the surface and extremely tall trees can completely deprive a yard of sunlight. Property owners should be required to confine above-ground tree growth to within the area of their own yard. This is currently not the case. We have spent thousands of dollars trimming neighbours' trees to allow some sunlight into our yard.
almost 3 years ago
I sure wish the city would clean up the forest in Woodhaven Park. The deer use that area for resting. I sure wish a new forest could be started at the South West side of the park. Seeing deer in the forested area is awesome. Thank You
Tree Health
almost 3 years ago
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We have submitted comments on the Draft Strategy directly to via a .pdf. I trust this is sufficient.
Trees Riverview, June 22, 2022
I also agree with the comments that our city’s trees and forests really need an overhaul and upkeep. So many dead trees, it’s quite depressing to see and it’s everywhere in the city. The newly planted trees along Chief Penguis (between Lag. And Gateway) are all struggling and almost dead. Portage la Prairie has a really nice row of flowering fruit trees when entering the town from the west, very welcoming and cheerful. Winnipeg needs to adapt and try new species and new ideas, move forward from those species that no longer survive here very well.
Please check out the initiative by the DavidSuzuki Foundation…even if we apply and do not get accepted in time, it is a really nice idea to incorporate in our strategy….. a Healing Forest.
I appreciate that the city is looking at maintaining existing and supporting increase in tree planting, expanding urban forests, emphasis on expanding. This is all good for carbon capture, oxygen release and creating spaces for our children to learn to respect and honour our trees as family. These are living species with much to teach us and our children when we pause to listen and see their beauty and contribution to earth life. As most of us now choose to live in cities we need to bring and restore zones of the land and what it can teach us right here in our yards and public spaces. It is a form of reconciliation with the earth as humans have erred in seeing the earth as something for the taking, a source for extraction. By planting and honouring an expanded tree canopy we are learning and acting responsibly.
I would be interested in knowing whether the people who are planning this Urban Forest Strategy are the same people who allowed the Assiniboine Park Conservancy to destroy 300 healthy trees in order to set up their so-called Diversity Gardens which overtake a significant part of what should be green space in a natural park. Unconscionable! I hope that the Conservancy was fined a large amount for this unacceptable act, and I would like the people who allowed this to happen to be held accountable.
Removed by moderator.
Maybe you should actually go and see what you are talking about. Lived at my address over 20 yrs worked at City and after numerous calls to 311 to complain about the overgrown elm trees on Blvd. Still waiting! Shocking isn't. I had to remove a 65 yr old blue spruce because the Blvd trees killed it. Tree started to become tangled in blvd trees because the sidewalk side is so over grown. Great you trim Road side only. Maybe you should get a planning schedule and start looking after the trees we already have before you waste time and money planting more. Make a caveat for ALL new developments that builders must plant 200 trees. They killed how many to put up the new development! Why should I pay for a new area to get trees. Why did you make Charleswood residents pay for the trees some jerk off took down to get a house moved? Why wasn't he made to pay to replace all the trees cut down for a house! Idiots.You need some new younger ideas people. Be warned if they don't want others to see bad comments they have a moderator delete your message.
The Draft Urban Forest Strategy proposes planting more elm and ash as they are depleted. Perhaps we don't need to replace them one for one if they are subject to disease and pests. How about replacing some of them with a different genus of tree?
I would also like to see recommendations for neighbour-friendly trees. Some trees shed a lot of seeds that sprout everywhere and accumulate in piles. Others have extensive roots that come to the surface and extremely tall trees can completely deprive a yard of sunlight.
Property owners should be required to confine above-ground tree growth to within the area of their own yard. This is currently not the case. We have spent thousands of dollars trimming neighbours' trees to allow some sunlight into our yard.
I sure wish the city would clean up the forest in Woodhaven Park.
The deer use that area for resting. I sure wish a new forest could be started at the South West side of the park.
Seeing deer in the forested area is awesome. Thank You