Urban Forest Strategic Framework
Draft Winnipeg Urban Forest Strategy Framework Components Vision for the Urban Forest: An abundant, healthy, diverse, and resilient urban forest that contributes to the health and wellbeing of all people and communities. Goals Plan accountably: To achieve an equitable distribution of connected tree and forest assets that will improve the health of our people and communities. Plant strategically: To grow a robust and sustainable urban forest that will maximize benefits for human health and ecological function. Manage adaptively: To improve tree health and safety, achieve planned levels of service, and respond to unplanned demand for services. Protect prudently: To preserve and protect Winnipeg’s urban forest canopy where it will maximize benefits for human health and ecological function. Partner purposefully: To foster reconciliation and stewardship that will build capacity to achieve goals and respond to challenges. Targets • Canopy cover: 24% • American elms lost annually: No more than 2% • Public planting: No more than 5% potential planting sites vacant • Public tree replacement: 1:1 (one tree replaced for every tree removed) • Public tree diversity: No more than 10% species and 20% genus • Public tree loss annually: No more than 1.5% • Pruning cycles: 7-years for street trees 12-years for park trees