Why is the City engaging residents on St. Boniface’s future aquatic needs?

    St. Boniface has many aging pools that are reaching the end of their life. Council directed the Public Service to engage residents on future aquatics in the area.

    As pools reach the end of their life, there is an opportunity to design a future aquatic park that is fun, welcoming, meets community needs, and provides the level of service recommended in the Winnipeg Recreation Strategy

    Public input will help the City choose a location and design. 

    How can I get involved in the St. Boniface Outdoor Aquatic Park project?

    The City is hosting in-person and online opportunities to gather public input on: 

    1. Criteria that the City will use to select a site for the proposed aquatic park
    2. Benefits and drawbacks of potential sites
    3. Amenities at the proposed aquatic park
    4. A prototype of the proposed aquatic park

    Sign up for updates to be notified of the upcoming public engagement opportunities and other project milestones. 

    What is the timeline for the project?

    The project started in summer 2024 with the City gathering information on potential sites. Public engagement will start with a project webpage in summer 2024. After that, there will be a chance for residents to provide input. 

    The City expects to have a recommended location and cost estimate for a new aquatic park later this year for Council’s consideration.

    Are there any approved funds for a future aquatic park in the St. Boniface ward?

    There are currently no approved funds for a new aquatic park in St. Boniface. The project will let us know how much an outdoor aquatic park will cost. The cost estimate will be used in future budgeting.

    When will construction start?

    More design work is needed before a new outdoor pool can be built. Council approval and funding is also needed so the project can move forward.

    How much will this project cost?

    The project will cost $70,000, which includes public engagement, site evaluation, and early design work. The project will let us know how much it will cost to build a new outdoor aquatic park.

    Where will a future aquatic park be located in the St. Boniface ward?

    The project will mainly look at spaces in City parks. Input from residents will help the City evaluate different sites.

    What is the Winnipeg Recreation Strategy?

    The Winnipeg Recreation Strategy guides programs, services, and facilities. It ensures recreation in Winnipeg continues to support the health and wellbeing of our residents. The Winnipeg Recreation Strategy recommends replacing aging facilities with new facilities to better meet Winnipeg’s current and future recreation needs.