Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review

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Consultation has concluded.

The Responsible Pet Ownership By-law aims to keep both pets and the community safe. The City is proposing to update the by-law to ensure that pets are properly cared for and not placed in at-risk scenarios. Some issues the bylaw updates intend to address include the use of animal traps in Winnipeg, Dangerous Dog designations, requirements for spaying or neutering, breeding, and exotic animals.

The Responsible Pet Ownership By-law aims to keep both pets and the community safe. The City is proposing to update the by-law to ensure that pets are properly cared for and not placed in at-risk scenarios. Some issues the bylaw updates intend to address include the use of animal traps in Winnipeg, Dangerous Dog designations, requirements for spaying or neutering, breeding, and exotic animals.


The Responsible Pet Ownership By-Law regulates the presence of wild and domesticated animals within Winnipeg, their activities, and the activities of their owners. Since the by-law came into force in 2013, opportunities have been identified to strengthen it to improve the safety of both pets and the community. Best practices in animal control and welfare have also evolved since the last review.

On May 10, 2021, the Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services and Parks directed the Winnipeg Public Service to review and report back to the appropriate Committee of Council, within 180 days, on a fuller review of the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law that includes a review of:

  1. Current use of animal traps within the City of Winnipeg, including any type of trap that could cause injury or death to ensnared animals and any required by-law amendments to prohibit the use of traps within the City of Winnipeg that could cause harm to ensnared animals.
  2. Public Education on “wild-proofing” Urban Wildlife and co-existence techniques to minimize conflicts with urban wildlife, and any required by-law amendments.
  3. Dangerous Dog Designation, focusing on responsible pet ownership including training, more options in failure to compliance, a ban on guard dogs; and strengthening the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law with breed neutral language.
  4. Spay or Neuter, and Breeding creating new guidelines and requirement of a pet license within the by-law for breeders to ensure a history of responsible pet ownership and requirements of a letter from veterinarian; and any required by-law amendments to strengthen adherence of spay and neutering.
  5. Exotic Animals; strengthen the by-law with any required by-law amendments to mitigate impacts of pet hoarding, include a limitation, and prevent illegal disreputable trade of exotic animals.

Consultation has concluded.

Implementation is subject to Council review and approval.