Phase 1 public engagement begins
The Henderson Highway North Improvements Study is looking for input from you!
The Henderson Highway North Improvements Study is starting and we want to hear about your experience as a road user and what improvements you would like to see through the area.
Our first task is to meet with directly impacted property owners (to gather property-specific information) and to hear from Winnipeggers about existing conditions and issues in the area. We are asking the public to identify current issues and experiences on the interactive map. The interactive map will be available until November 6, 2021.
The input collected during Phase 1 of public engagement will help the project team create a functional design. A functional design is used to support some early decision making and to support the next level of design but not construction.
We expect to have a functional design to share with you in early 2022. Sign-up to follow the project and stay informed!
Consultation has concluded