Henderson Highway North Improvements Study

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Consultation has concluded

The Henderson Highway North Improvements Study is looking to improve safety, traffic flow, and livability along Henderson Highway from Gilmore Avenue to the north city limit at Glenway Avenue.

This study is unique, as Henderson Highway serves many purposes as a major city route, neighbourhoods connection, and residential corridor that transports people, goods and services with diverse needs.

The Henderson Highway North Improvements Study is looking to improve safety, traffic flow, and livability along Henderson Highway from Gilmore Avenue to the north city limit at Glenway Avenue.

This study is unique, as Henderson Highway serves many purposes as a major city route, neighbourhoods connection, and residential corridor that transports people, goods and services with diverse needs.

Consultation has concluded
  • Preliminary design approved

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    On May 30, 2024, Council approved the preliminary design. The Class 3 (-20% to +30%) budget estimate of $50.03 million will be referred to the 2025 Budget process. Detailed design and funding are required before construction begins.

  • Phase 3 public engagement summary available

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    The Phase 3 public engagement summary and appendices are now available and provide an overview of the feedback collected for the project.

    The Henderson Highway Improvements Study will be presented to the Standing Policy Committee on Public Works on May 7, 2024. If you would like to participate in the Committee meeting, please submit your comments in writing or register as a delegation by noon on May 6, 2024.

  • Phase 3 engagement closed

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    Thank you to all who participated in Phase 3 public engagement. Phase 3 included meetings with adjacent landowners, an open house, and a survey. Feedback is currently being considered and a summary of the engagement process will be posted online.

  • Phase 3 public engagement begins

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    With the help of public feedback from Phase 2, we developed a recommended design that would:

    • Provide safer and more accessible mobility for all modes of travel
    • Manage access onto and off Henderson to improve safety
    • Improve transit and dedicated pedestrian and cycling infrastructure
    • Replace the Bunn’s Creek crossing
    • Consider the future land use

    We want you to review it and tell us what you think about the recommended median openings, pedestrian and cycling improvements, and enhanced transit stops.

    Here is how you can participate in Phase 3 of engagement:

    Attend the open house

    Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2023
    6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
    Bronx Park Community Centre, 720 Henderson Hwy
    Drop-in (come and go)

    Take the survey

    View the recommended design and take the online survey, which will be available until May 31, 2023.

  • Phase 2 public engagement summary available

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    The Phase 2 public engagement summary and appendices are now available and provide an overview of the feedback collected for the project.

  • Phase 2 public engagement closed

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    Thank you to all who took the survey, attended the pop-up, or joined us at an open house. Phase 2 public engagement opportunities were available from June 1 to June 24, 2022. The City also meet with directly impacted property owners to gather property-specific feedback.

    Feedback is currently being considered and a summary of the engagement process will be posted online. The project team will refine the proposed design with the help of public feedback.

  • Phase 2 public engagement begins

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    Phase 2 of the Henderson Highway North Improvements Study is now underway, and we want to hear from you!

    We want your input on:

    Join us at in-person event to view the proposed design, learn more about the proposed improvements, and tell us what you think. You can attend one, or both events:

    Pop-up event
    Date: Saturday, June 11, 2022
    Time: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
    Location: McIvor Mall, 1795 Henderson Hwy
    Format: Drop-in (come and go)

    Open house
    Date: Thursday, June 16, 2022
    Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
    Location: Bronx Park Community Centre, 720 Henderson Hwy
    Format: Drop-in (come and go)

    You can also provide feedback through an online survey until June 24, 2022.

    The project team will use this feedback when considering median openings, pedestrian crossings, access to transit stops, and active transportation options. Feedback will help support the next level of design and planning work.

  • Phase 1 public engagement summary available

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    The Phase 1 public engagement summary and appendices are now available and provide an overview of the feedback collected for the project. Please visit the Document Library to view the Phase 1 public engagement summary.

    The City has developed a functional design with the help of what we heard from the public and directly impacted property owners in Phase 1.

  • Phase 1 public engagement closed

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    Thank you to all who added comments to the interactive map. The interactive map was available from October 6 to November 6, 2021. The City also meet with directly impacted property owners as part of Phase 1 public engagement to gather property-specific information.

    Feedback is currently being considered and a summary of the engagement process will be posted online.

  • Phase 1 public engagement begins

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    The Henderson Highway North Improvements Study is looking for input from you!

    The Henderson Highway North Improvements Study is starting and we want to hear about your experience as a road user and what improvements you would like to see through the area.

    Our first task is to meet with directly impacted property owners (to gather property-specific information) and to hear from Winnipeggers about existing conditions and issues in the area. We are asking the public to identify current issues and experiences on the interactive map. The interactive map will be available until November 6, 2021.

    The input collected during Phase 1 of public engagement will help the project team create a functional design. A functional design is used to support some early decision making and to support the next level of design but not construction.

    We expect to have a functional design to share with you in early 2022. Sign-up to follow the project and stay informed!