Council decision
On March 23, 2023, Council approved:
- Continuing the Enhanced Summer Bike Route program on five routes annually from May 1 until Thanksgiving Day
- Converting nine of the routes to full time Neighbourhood Greenways with reduced speed limits of 30 km/h, in effect 24 hours per day, seven days per week on a permanent basis and additional traffic calming measures
- Removing Ravelston Avenue from the program
Route | Council direction |
Alexander Avenue from Arlington Street to Princess Street |
Convert to full-time Neighbourhood Greenway |
Churchill Drive from Hay Street to Jubilee Avenue |
Continue as an Enhanced Summer Bike Route
Egerton Road from Bank Avenue to Morier Avenue |
Convert to full-time neighbourhood greenway |
Harbison Avenue West from Henderson Highway to the eastern terminus |
Convert to full-time neighbourhood greenway |
Kildonan Drive from Helmsdale Avenue to Irving Place |
Convert to full-time neighbourhood greenway |
Kilkenny Drive / Kings Drive from Burgess Avenue to Patricia Avenue |
Continue as an Enhanced Summer Bike Route
Linwood Street from Portage Avenue to Silver Avenue |
Convert to full-time neighbourhood greenway |
Lyndale Drive from Cromwell Street to Gauvin Street |
Continue as an Enhanced Summer Bike Route
Ravelston Avenue from Wayoata Street to Plessis Road |
Remove from program |
Rover Avenue from Hallet Street to Stephens Street |
Convert to full-time neighbourhood greenway |
Ruby Street / Banning Street from Palmerston Avenue to Notre Dame Avenue |
Convert to full-time neighbourhood greenway |
Scotia Street from Armstrong Avenue to Anderson Avenue |
Convert to full-time neighbourhood greenway |
Wellington Crescent from Academy Road to Academy Road/Maryland Street |
Continue as an Enhanced Summer Bike Route
Wolseley Avenue from Raglan Road to Maryland Street |
Continue as an Enhanced Summer Bike Route
Youville Street from Eugenie Street to Haig Avenue |
Convert to full-time neighbourhood greenway |
We will now be referring to the continuing enhanced summer routes as seasonal bike routes.
Learn more at
The permanent speed reduction on the Neighbourhood Greenways will begin in Spring 2023 and additional traffic calming measures will be installed over the next two years.
Learn more at
Consultation has concluded