Phase 2 what we heard – CentrePlan 2050 and Re-imagining Graham Avenue

In Phase 2, we asked stakeholders for feedback on the draft goals, policies, and actions of CentrePlan 2050. We also asked stakeholders for feedback on the preliminary design of Graham Avenue.

The Phase 2 stakeholder engagement summaries give an overview of the feedback we heard from stakeholders and how it was considered:

What we heard in Phase 2 was used to refine the draft CentrePlan 2050 and the preliminary design of Graham Avenue.

Next steps

After Phase 3 public engagement, CentrePlan 2050 will be presented to Council for consideration in summer 2024. This includes the draft design of Graham Avenue. Council approval and funding is needed before detailed design and construction of Graham Avenue can occur.

In summer 2024, we will conduct Phase 3 public engagement on Downtown bike routes.

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