April 20, 2018
The City is asking for your feedback on what you want from recreation and parks services and infrastructure and where your priorities lie. Much of Winnipeg’s existing recreation and parks infrastructure is at or near the end of its useful lifecycle, and we need to find out where Winnipeggers want to see future investment.
Our public engagement goals for this project are to:
- Understand how Winnipeggers value recreation and parks in the city;
- Understand the recreation and parks needs of residents and user groups;
- Gather input on recreation and parks usage, opportunities and constraints; and
- Communicate how public input was used to help shape the Recreation & Parks Strategies.
Phase 1 Engagement
In Phase 1, we want to know what you value most, how you currently use recreation and parks, and how you want to use recreation and parks in the future. Phase 1 engagement will include an online survey, two open houses, and stakeholder workshops.
Phase 2 Engagement
In Phase 2, we will ask for your feedback on some of the draft policies and strategies we are considering as part of the Recreation & Parks Strategies development. After consideration of feedback, data, and analysis from Phase 1, members of the public will have the opportunity to provide feedback and let us know if we are headed in the right direction.
Consultation has concluded. For more information, visit https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/parks/recreation-parks-strategies.stm.