May 16, 2019

A summary of the meeting held with adjacent property owners and stakeholders is now available.

The City reached out to adjacent property owners and stakeholders in spring 2019 to discuss the recommended design and gather feedback. An additional concept that would include a partial closure to Wellington Crescent for vehicles, which was identified at the stakeholder meeting and discussed at the adjacent property owner meeting in spring 2019, is currently being considered. Additional public engagement opportunities will occur after the traffic study is complete. Thank you to all who attended the property owners’ meeting and stakeholder meeting on April 25, 2019.

Key themes that were heard at the property owners’ meeting included:

Themes What We Heard
  • Strong preference to keep Wellington Crescent in its current location
  • In favor of keeping the walk bike path in the wooded area
  • Open to moving the walk bike path to the north side of Wellington Crescent near the Assiniboine Park east entrance

Property impacts
(from Strategy 2)
  • Potential for increased noise and pollution
  • Potential privacy and security concerns
  • Changes to property values

  • Traffic volumes on Wellington Crescent are high
  • Traffic speeds on Wellington Crescent are high

Riverbank protection
  • Proactive riverbank protection is important
  • A "do nothing" approach is not favorable

  • Mature trees are strongly valued
  • Trees contribute to neighbourhood character and should be protected if possible

Key themes that were heard at the stakeholder meeting with Bike Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Trails Association included:

Themes What We Heard
Walk bike path
  • Current walk bike path is heavily used
  • In favor of keeping the walk bike path in the wooded area and moving the path entirely to the north side of Wellington Crescent

Walk bike connectivity
  • Create connections to destinations south of the Assiniboine River
  • Integration the walk bike path with the Route 90 Improvements Study

Wellington Crescent
  • Could Wellington Crescent be closed to vehicular traffic?
  • Could Wellington Crescent be a one-way street?

Placemaking opportunities
  • Accommodate mountain bikers on the informal trails
  • Potential for cross country ski trails and river access

Riverbank protection
  • Climate change needs to be considered
  • The dynamic nature of rivers needs to be respected

For more information on what we heard, please view the property owners meeting summary and the stakeholder meeting summary.

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