November 19, 2021
Year 1 of the residential food waste collection pilot program concluded last month. Thank you to all who participated in the pilot program. We look forward to your active participation as we enter year 2 of the pilot program.
We also want to thank all those who completed the fall 2021 survey. A few key findings include:
- 84% of respondents found the Organize Your Fridge brochure helpful, while 59% of respondents found the Weekly Meal Plan magnet helpful
- When asked if there was any additional information that could have been included in the User Guide, respondents indicated more clarity around composting food/take-out containers (9 suggestions), followed by information on eliminating nuisances like fruit flies and odors (5 suggestions)
- The majority of respondents (58%) have made changes to reduce food waste over the past year
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Consultation has concluded