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[originally posted in French] - An exceptional venue – for artists and the French-speaking community

My memories, my personal experience as a visual artist who has exhibited at the Maison des artistes visuels francophones, are unique.

I had the pleasure of exhibiting there, giving a talk about my work, and offering a tailor-made workshop for participating artists who were inspired by the theme of my exhibition and my workshop to create an exhibition of their work.

It was w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l! It was magical.

Exceptional moments with fantastic people, in the heart of Saint-Boniface, several thousand kilometers from home, where I could express myself in my own language and where it was encouraged. That’s rare for me, because I’m always asked to adapt my practice for others, even though, as a French-speaking artist, I feel like an unrecognized minority wherever I go.

This place is important for the art it presents, for the people who go there, for the Francophone community, for the unique, unifying, original, identity-building experiences, for the way the center is run, for its incredible team, for its uniqueness, for the simple fact that its presence is a pillar within a community and within Canada.

I live a long way from you, but where I come from, I can confirm that the Maison des artistes visuels francophones is a place where you aspire to exhibit, and one day visit, for all the things I’ve described above.

Long life to you!

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