Why is the City redesigning the Millennium Library Lobby?

    We are redesigning the Millennium Library lobby to create a welcoming and safe space, improve sightlines and foot traffic flow, and potentially remove the metal detectors.

    What are the steps in redesigning the lobby?

    The first step is called a feasibility study which includes engaging stakeholders, designing options with cost estimates, and selecting a preferred option. Council then decides if they support the preferred option. Council will also decide when and how to fund the full design and construction.

    What is a feasibility study?

    A feasibility study helps the City understand different options and develop cost estimates for each option. Stakeholders are involved before the City designs options. This early input ensures the options reflect community and staff needs. Stakeholders are also asked for feedback on the options. This later feedback helps the City select a preferred option.

    What are the priorities for the Millennium Library lobby redesign?

    The priorities are to:

    • Create a safe, inclusive, accessible and welcoming space for visitors and staff
    • Improve visibility and sightlines
    • Improve visibility and access to the public washrooms

    How much will the redesign cost?

    The City is developing options with cost estimates as part of the Millennium Library Lobby Redesign. A cost estimate is expected in fall 2024.

    How is the Millennium Library redesign being funded?

    Once the feasibility study is complete, funds for the redesign will be referred to the budget process and are subject to Council approval.

    How long will the feasibility study take?

    The project began in late 2023 and is expected to finish in fall 2024.

    When will construction begin?

    Council approval and funding for the lobby are needed before the full design and construction begins.

    What else is being done to improve safety at the Millennium Library?

    The City is recommending a multi-layered approach to improve safety and security. This includes contracted security guards, community-based and person-centered safety hosts, staff training, and a lobby redesign.