Why is the City doing a governance review?

    The legislation and by-laws that guide governance of the City of Winnipeg were established following the last comprehensive review of the City’s governance system in 1997. This review is being conducted to establish the ways in which the current model is effective and how current structures and processes may be enhanced or changed  to further enable responsible and accountable government.

    What are the expected outcomes of the review?

    The review is being conducted to make recommendations, including amendment to relevant provincial legislation and City of Winnipeg by-laws to meet the following goals: 

    • Develop a clear and effective governance structure and operational framework that enables transparency and public confidence
    • Improved organizational performance resulting from process changes or improved decision-making and communication channels
    • Improved utilization of existing resources allowing a greater focus on strategic priorities and pro-active planning and administration
    • An organization-wide culture of continuous improvement.

    How does Winnipeg's governance compare with other cities?

    A comparison of Winnipeg and other cities' governance structures and processes can be found in this [summary document]

    Is the governing legislation of the City of Winnipeg the same as the other municipalities in Manitoba?

    Most cities in Manitoba are governed under the Municipal Act. The City of Winnipeg has its own Charter.

    How much is the governance review costing the City?

    The budget for the project was established in the RFP AT $173,000.