Why is a new recreation centre for southeast Winnipeg required?

    Southeast Winnipeg is a growing area of the city. It includes the Bonavista, Island Lakes, Royalwood, and Sage Creek neighbourhoods. A new recreation centre is required to meet the needs of the community.

    Where would the centre be located?

    The proposed recreation centre would be located in Fraipont Park near the intersection of Evelyne Reese Boulevard and Warde Avenue.

    What amenities would the recreation centre include?

    The proposed recreation centre is anticipated to include a gymnasium and several multi-purpose rooms. There are currently no plans to include an indoor arena or any aquatic amenities, such as a pool or spray pad.

    Plans for specific programs and amenities will be assessed based on feedback received during public engagement.

    Fraipont Park currently has soccer fields, a viewing platform, tobogganing hill, playground, pathways, and naturalized areas. These amenities are anticipated to remain mostly unchanged.

    Who would own and operate the recreation centre?

    The City would own the recreation centre. We have not determined who would operate the recreation centre. As the project proceeds, different operating models for the recreation centre will be considered.

    What would the recreation centre cost?

    A cost estimate will be determined as part of the feasibility study.

    When would construction begin?

    We don’t have a timeline for construction. Construction will depend on available funding. Funding for construction is currently forecasted in the future budgets, however, there are currently no funds approved for the construction of this project.

     The 2024 Council-approved budget included $250,000 for a feasibility study.

     The feasibility study will include:

    • An assessment the community’s needs and interests in different types of recreational activities
    • An early design of the building and the surrounding park space
    • An estimate of the operating costs
    • An estimate of the construction costs (Class 4 -30% to +60%)

    This project is listed in the recommended capital investment plan of the Winnipeg Recreation Strategy.

    What public engagement is planned for the recreation centre? When will it begin?

    The feasibility study will include two phases of public engagement:

    • The first phase in fall 2024 will gather feedback on what programs and amenities the community would like to see at the proposed recreation centre. Input will be used to help the project team create a draft design
    • The second phase is anticipated to begin in spring 2025, and will gather feedback on the draft design of the proposed recreation centre